Start With A Head Start

Start With A Head Start

Where do you have a head start?

That head start might be in:

  • Earning trust and attention
  • Showing up consistently
  • Building an audience
  • Developing a network
  • Getting customer traction
  • Enrolling people
  • Coordinating stakeholders
  • Doing research acquiring insights
  • Seeking diverse perspectives
  • Noticing a pain point, need, or opportunity
  • Understanding a problem
  • Experimenting with solutions
  • Gaining know-how
  • Making mistakes and learning what doesn’t work
  • Building an asset
  • Developing a skillset or mindset
  • Or something else

It’s not easy to start a journey, so use that to your advantage.

Leverage opportunities where you already have a head start and where inertia is working in your favour to propel you forward. 

Your head start in one journey can make it easier to complete the doorstep mile in another.

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@2021 Rule Number Six and Lisa Lambert. All rights reserved.

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