
After people interact with you, do they come away with more or less energy?

As we go about our day-to-day, it’s easy to lose sight of our energy and how it impacts others; whether we’re mostly energizers or energy vampires. 

People love to interact with, work with, and be around energizers. Energizers excitement and sense of purpose tends to energize and engage those around them. Energizers’ light lights up others.

On the other hand, interacting with energy vampires is exhausting. Energy vampires tend to “take, take, take” and can suck the life out of a project.

To be an energizer, you don’t have to be high energy all the time. But leaders and professionals best serve themselves and others when they are self-aware and know how to manage their energy levels so they can more readily and regularly show up as energizers.

These questions can help you do just that:

  1. Who and what energizes you? 

  2. Who and what drains you?

  3. How do you know when your batteries are getting low, say <20%? What are some specific signs you can look for?

  4. How do you know when your batteries are >80% full? What are specific signs you can look for?

  5. What do you need to regularly charge your batteries?

  6. When and how are you planning to regularly satisfy your charging needs so you don’t run-down your batteries?

  7. How can you design your day so that when people interact with you, they come away more energized than they were before?

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