The Doorstep Mile

Doorstep Mile

It’s not easy to start a journey. 

Beginning requires us to leave our warm, comfortable, familiar milieu and set out into the challenging and possibly scary world of the unknown. Beginning requires us to muster up the force to overcome inertia—the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion. 

In Scandinavia, there is a wonderful phrase to describe this challenging first part of the journey: the doorstep mile.

When seeking to do the hard work of embarking on a journey, of making change happen, of innovating, sometimes the best way to move forward isn’t to think about the grand adventure. Rather, it’s to focus on just getting out the door and taking the first few steps.

Once you’ve started on your journey by completing the doorstep mile, inertia will help you keep moving forward.

h/t Alastair Humphreys

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