Get Off The Hamster Wheel

Get Off The Hamster Wheel

“How are you?”


Surely you’ve heard this all too common response or given it yourself when someone has asked how you’re doing.

While we might complain about being busy, busyness is frequently worn as a badge of honour in our world where many fear being left behind by the rapid pace of change.

The thing is, busyness is not forward motion. It’s a trap. Busyness is a hamster wheel that keeps us circling around the mundane while on auto-pilot. The busier we are, the faster we circle. Round and round, in motion yet going nowhere.

While it might seem counterintuitive, if we want to move forward, we need to overcome inertia and slow down so we can get off the hamster wheel. 

When we slow down, we make space for curiosity, imagination, exploration, discovery, clarity, connection, creativity, and learning. These are what make up the fuel of forward motion.

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