Getting Out Of Imagination’s Way

Getting Out Of Imagination's Way

Oftentimes when we’re trying to generate new ideas and creative solutions to intractable problems, we get in our own way.

We let what we know and our fear of looking foolish limit what we can imagine.

We think we’re playing it safe by shrinking the solution space when what we’re actually doing is suffocating our imagination—the instrument most needed to solve stubborn problems.

New ideas and creative solutions to intractable problems come from expanding and exploring the solution space with reckless abandon. They come from considering completely different ways of looking at the problem and completely different architectures for the solution than what’s been tried before.

New ideas and creative solutions come from getting out of imagination’s way and allowing it to freely roam, wander, consider, and play with things that might not work.

When we do, we might discover a new idea or creative solution that just might work.

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