Gone The Way Of The VCR

Gone The Way Of The VCR

You probably don’t own a VCR anymore, not because you no longer watch movies, but because you most likely watch them differently.

As a result, VCRs haven’t been produced by any manufacturers since 2016.

Like a VCR, you can probably think of something in your organization that was once a mainstay—whether a tool, technology, tradition, or process—and is now a relic.

As the world around us changes, what we do may persist while how we do things may evolve.

We can choose to hold on to the relics of times past for sentimental reasons and even seek them out on secondhand marketplaces, but it’s important to acknowledge that they are becoming ever harder to justify keeping and acquiring.

In clinging to these relics, we risk missing opportunities to change and adapt to the new developments happening right now that are illuminating the path forward.

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