Lane Shift and Shape Shift

The events of 2020 led many businesses to pivot, whether as a survival or a growth strategy.

If you look closely at these pivots, you’ll notice many were actually shifts. Specifically, they were mostly one of two kinds of shifts (or a combination of the two):

  1. Lane shift: Re-imagining, changing, or expanding who you create value for with your product, service, or offering. E.g. lane shifting from B2B to B2C, or from parents and kids to teachers, or from IT to legal professionals, etc.

  2. Shape shift: Re-imagining, changing, or expanding the value you create for your target customers by providing a new product, service, or offering. E.g. shape shifting to provide training alongside your SaaS solution to better enable your customers to excel in the “new normal”, adding takeout and delivery services, bundling services under a subscription offering, etc.

A lane shift or shape shift can unlock a lot of possibilities for you and your customers.

Might a lane shift or shape shift make sense for your business?

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