A guide leads and supports others on a journey.
A guide is competent in their domain and has earned – and continues to earn – the trust of the group.
A guide is responsible for the strategic direction. They’ve assessed the risk. They ensure the group is briefed and prepared. They know the group members strengths and capabilities.
A guide shares the bearing and is familiar with the route, or at least how to most safely navigate the terrain. They’ve developed a plan with the group and ensure the group members know what to do in case of emergency. A guide ensures everyone is safe and nudges group members to take care of one another.
A guide sets the pace, and it’s usually not at the guide’s top speed, but rather a pace that makes sense for the group in that context. They pay attention to when a break might be needed and know when to provide encouragement to push a bit harder to reach the next milestone.
A guide recognizes that when someone is moving slowly, it’s not necessarily that they’re not enrolled in the journey. They merely might need more time to cover the distance, or they’re exhausted and need extra support or a lighter load, or perhaps they’re scared. The guide meets the group where they are, so they can move forward together from there.
A guide helps the group members’ accomplish their goals and celebrates the group’s achievements.
Just as a guide leads, a leader guides.