Learn from Your Competitors’ Customers

You can learn a lot by understanding your competitors and their products, services, or offerings.

You can learn even more by understanding your competitors’ customers, clients, or users.

  • Who are they?

  • What are their worldviews, values, fears, and hopes?

  • Where are they?

  • What problem were they looking to solve?

  • How did they learn about your competitor?

  • How long until they purchased from your competitor? What was their buying process?

  • Why did they choose to hire or buy from your competitor and not someone else?

  • How would they feel if they could no longer use your competitor’s products, services, or offerings?

  • What’s the main benefit they receive from your competitor’s products, services, or offerings?

  • What type of people do they think would benefit most from what your competitor offers?

  • How have they been changed because of your competitor’s products, services, or offerings?

  • Would they buy from your competitor again? Why or why not?

  • Would they recommend your competitor? Why or why not?

  • How would they improve your competitor’s products, services, or offerings?

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