Loyal Customers

Loyal Customers

“Dear Customer Service, I’ve been a loyal customer for X years, so you can imagine my surprise when…”

This is a common pattern in many customer complaint messages and it reveals an important insight into how most loyal customers view their interaction with brands:

→ It’s relational, not transactional. 

And great relationships are built on trust.

You earned your customers trust at the beginning of your relationship with them—that’s why they chose to do business with you.

It was a brave act for them to place their trust in you, and it’s a brave act for them to continue placing their trust in you.

Has your brand consistently nurtured your customers’ trust over the course of that relationship so that you have plenty when you need it most—in those moments when your customers question their loyalty to your brand?

It’s live!

My new book, The Future Is Trust: Embracing the Era of Trust-Centered Leadership, officially went on sale yesterday. 

My co-author Rick Kitagawa and I have been floored by the extraordinary support and early reactions we’ve received so far. 

Thanks to the support of our amazing readers, the book has already claimed the #1 spot in multiple categories of Amazon’s Hot New Releases and is an Amazon Bestseller.

If you’ve already got your hands on the print edition or e-book (audio book is in the works), be sure to visit TheFutureIsTrust.com to get some bonus free goodies, including the Group Discussion Guide.

Plus, we’ve got a little extra something for early adopters:

  • Email us at hello@spotlighttrust.com and let us know when you purchased the book, what format, and how you heard about the book. Within 24 hours of receiving your email, we’ll send you a DRM-free, full color PDF of the book. That means you can access the book on any device of your choosing!

Big thanks to everyone who has been with us on this journey.

If you haven’t picked up your copy of The Future Is Trust yet, you can find it wherever books are sold (except Audible…for now!). You can also find links to main book sellers at TheFutureIsTrust.com.

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