People Periscope

Want to enrich your perspective on a problem?

Then look through the lens of a people periscope to see over, around, and through the problem. 

These questions can help you get started with building your own people periscope:

  • Who’s it for? 

  • What story are they telling themselves about this?

  • What’s their current context?

  • What are their afflictions and aspirations? What do these feel like for them?

  • What’s getting in their way of overcoming their afflictions? Or reaching their aspirations?

  • What does success look like for them? What does better look like for them?

  • How will they feel when they achieve their goal?

  • How important is this to them?

  • What are their values and beliefs?

  • What do they care about most?

  • What do they worry about or fear?

  • What’s their risk tolerance?

  • Who else will be impacted?

  • Who’s it not for?

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