

We humans continuously strive to make sense of our world.  

We love for things to make sense, so when they don’t we get curious and seek explanations, narratives, meaning, purpose, and certainty.

Once we think things make sense though, we tend to stop being curious and seeking to understand at a deeper level. We don’t get curious about or seek out anomalies, contradictions, or refinements of our seemingly sound assumptions and reasoning.

Instead, we settle with the familiarity of the explanations, narratives, meaning, purpose, and certainty that helped us in our sense-making, even if these no longer serve us.

When we choose to settle for the comfort of the familiar, we miss out on the opportunities to continue striving and understanding.

By choosing to get curious and seek out possible anomalies, contradictions, and refinements in our own assumptions and reasoning, we unlock new opportunities to discover and innovate.

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@2021 Rule Number Six and Lisa Lambert. All rights reserved.

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