That Welcome Feeling

That Welcome Feeling - a white sign that reads "welcome"

What’s one word that describes how you feel when you feel welcomed to a space?

This was a question I asked a group of leaders this week and here are some of their answers:

  • Warm
  • Relaxed
  • Heard
  • Embraced
  • Joy
  • Relieved
  • Comfortable
  • Excited
  • Fuller
  • Validated

That welcome feeling is an extraordinary feeling, whether it’s our first time in a space or we’re a regular.

When we genuinely feel welcome, we trust that we can show up as ourselves, that our contributions matter, that others have our back in good times and bad, and that we can take the risk of stepping into our potential.

Whether you work in the hospitality industry or not, hospitality is a core part of great leadership.

Think about what others have done to help you feel that wonderful welcome feeling.

How can you help others you encounter in the virtual and physical spaces you frequent every day feel welcome and like they truly belong?

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