What Growth Means

What Growth Means - illustration of people, gears, and plants

Working on driving growth for your business?

Growth is a sexy word these days and it’s liberally being included in more and more job titles.

Unfortunately, growth is too often talked about in short-sighted terms with little substance. 

If you want to succeed at driving growth, it’s crucial you get clear on what growth means for your business:

  • What’s the strategic imperative for growth?
  • What are your growth goals?
  • What’s the best pace for growth for your business?
  • What are the best market opportunities for growth?
  • What are the pitfalls of growth?
  • How can growth be an avenue to strengthen your competitive advantage?
  • How will you grow your practices, processes, and structures?
  • How will you measure and monitor the financial aspects of growth?
  • How will you grow the skills of your team and leadership?
  • How will you build the talent pool needed to achieve your growth goals?
  • How will you maintain – or even improve – organizational health as you grow?
  • How will you evolve your culture with intention as you grow?
  • How are you thinking about a potential exit?

Growth is not a hack.

Growth is a consistent practice of thoughtfully and sustainably navigating the demands, risks, complexity, and opportunities on the journey to make your business successful for the long haul.

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