What If It Simply Didn’t Have To Suck?

What If It Simply Didn't Have To Suck?

Instead of needing to love doing something to persist in doing it, what if it simply didn’t have to suck?

Oftentimes, if we don’t love doing something, we’re not motivated to do it, whether that be doing sales, budgeting, writing reports, exercising regularly, eating healthy, tidying up, or [insert whatever you don’t love doing here].

But what if the goal weren’t to love doing something, but rather to discover how to do it in a way that you don’t loathe? 

You don’t have to love doing the hard right thing to get it done. You can develop a more resilient practice of consistently doing something hard if you discover how to do it in a way that you don’t despise.

And once you discover and experience how to do something in a way that doesn’t suck, you might very well find yourself loving doing that thing.

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