Slow Down

Technology now overlays nearly everything in our lives, both personal and professional.

In our hyperconnected, always-on world, information flows faster than ever before, and is everywhere.

In this operating system, it’s easy to feel compelled to go faster, but what we really need to do is slow down.

→ Slow down so that we can explore something in more than 280 characters.

→ Slow down so that we can look for more sources.

→ Slow down so that we can make space for nuance.

→ Slow down so that we can show our care and appreciation with something more personal than the quick click of a “like” or “share” button.

→ Slow down so that we can engage in dialogue instead of talking at one another. 

→ Slow down so we can check in with one another.

→ Slow down so we can deeply listen.

→ Slow down so that we can make space for understanding, reflection, internalization, and meaning-making.

→ Slow down so that we can consider the evidence.

→ Slow down so that we can find and connect with people who aren’t us.

→ Slow down so that we can seek out those who don’t share our views and experiences.

→ Slow down so that we can explore and include different perspectives.

→ Slow down so that we can make good decisions.

→ Slow down so that we can do work that matters.

→ Slow down so that we can make a difference.

→ Slow down so we can take pause and catch our breath.

→ Slow down so that we can unplug.

→ Slow down so we can take in the moment.

→ Slow down so that we can earn trust.

→ Slow down so we can connect as humans.

→ Slow down so that we can be more human.

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@2021 Rule Number Six and Lisa Lambert. All rights reserved.

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